Serving those who served. Improving veterans’ health.
Improving Veterans’ Health Through a Total Systems Safety Approach
Veterans face complex health issues that can include both physical and emotional injuries resulting from their military service. Many veterans do not receive healthcare from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), turning instead to civilian providers who are less reliably equipped to address military-related health concerns. Without training, resources and assessments geared toward veteran patients, even the most well-intentioned healthcare providers can miss critical diagnoses and treatments our veterans need. Download the SALUTE toolkit at the webform below – plus join the SALUTE Honor Roll to participate in a collaborative learning network of organizations improving veteran health.
Many veterans suffer physical and mental health injuries
1 in 5
veterans are seriously injured in their military service
who deployed experienced damage to their physical health
who deployed experienced damage to their mental health

SALUTE helps healthcare providers serve veterans
Veterans who receive healthcare outside the VA may be at higher risk of delayed diagnosis for a serious physical or mental illness. In 2021, less than half of the approximately 19 million US veterans were enrolled in VA healthcare. Post 9/11 veterans use VA healthcare less than other veterans and are more at risk. SALUTE is designed to help foster connections between veterans and their healthcare providers. ECRI invites all healthcare leaders, providers, and others in the healthcare ecosystem to proactively engage military veterans, their families and caregivers as partners in safety.

Download Free SALUTE Toolkit
ECRI launched the SALUTE program – free for all healthcare providers and others in the healthcare ecosystem – so that no matter where a veteran seeks healthcare, they receive the best care possible, tailored to their unique needs and service-related health risks.
SALUTE Toolkit Includes:
- Training slides and "60 Seconds of Listening to Improve Diagnostic Safety" for providers
- Veteran Engagement Systems Assessment
- Checklist for veterans: "Be the Expert on You: For Those Who Have Served in the Military"
- White Paper: “Veterans and Healthcare Providers as Partners in Achieving Equitable Care"
- Webinar: “SALUTE Program Overview and Strategies to Engage Veterans and Providers”

Based on the Toolkit for Engaging Patients To Improve Diagnostic Safety, created by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, these easy-to-use tools create an opportunity for veterans and healthcare providers to have important conversations about the patient’s military service and potential service-related health risks. They allow the provider to listen to and assess important information through screening questions and discussion. Based on the veteran’s health goals, the provider can make recommendations for next steps, including diagnostic testing. For veterans who are interested in learning about potential VA health benefits, they can be directed to the appropriate resources. SALUTE is based on ECRI’s Total Systems Safety Approach.
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