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As a pharmaceutical or device manufacturer, technology company, or information provider, you can count on ISMP for invaluable input and education on medication safety-related issues that impact millions of patients and healthcare professionals. The featured offerings at right will connect you to ISMP resources on medication error prevention, including expert speakers, symposia management services, and publications.

In addition, the Med Safety Board, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ISMP, is uniquely suited to assist global pharmaceutical, biotechnology and healthcare technology companies in evaluating the safety of their products. The Med Safety Board provides expert review of drug product packaging and labeling to ensure that it is easy to understand and consistent with current standards and regulatory requirements. The Med Safety Board can evaluate or design single labels or an entire line of products to reduce the risk of errors in the clinical setting in which they are to be used. Package and label services include design, premarket screening, evaluation, and human factors testing.

Education Solutions

Ensure your staff has essential medication safety knowledge.


Sponsor a ISMP Medication Safety Fellow. These programs are a rewarding experience designed for healthcare professionals seeking career advancement.

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Speaking Engagements

Let ISMP be your resource for patient safety related conferences, special training sessions, seminars or meetings. All presentations are customized for the audience to make the teachings more impactful. 

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Newsletter Solutions

The leading source of medication error information and guidance.

Acute Care

A subscription-based, digital newsletter, published every two weeks for hospital healthcare professionals.

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Community/ Ambulatory

A subscription-based digital newsletter, published monthly for healthcare practitioners in ambulatory settings.

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Nurse AdviseERR

A subscription-based, digital newsletter, published monthly that is designed to meet the needs of nurses.

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Membership Solutions

Comprehensive subscription-based solutions.

Medication Safety

Expert guidance and resources to maintain accreditation and reduce medication errors.

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Stay Connected

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Your reports help prevent errors and patient harm from reoccurring.

About ISMP

Click to learn about the Institute for Safe Medication Practices.